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Don Surber

AOC draws a massive crowd

JUN 25, 2024

If AOC drew an attendee for every headline the media posted about her rally in New York, she would have had more people than the ones who showed up for her . . . and Bernie Sanders.

It was a rally for Fire Alarm-Pulling Jamaal Bowman who likely will lose today’s Democrat primary for his congressional seat.

Michael Elgort tweeted a picture to his 11,000 followers and said, “From this angle performance of AOC on the stage in front of 50 people half of whom are journalists is even funnier.”


The picture was taken at the height of AOC’s performance. Maybe that was why she was hopping and bopping like the Crocodile Rock. Or maybe she skipped her meds at breakfast. Another video showed hundreds flanking the stage on the other sides. 

AOC claimed 1,200 people attended — in a city of 8 million people. The barmaid’s popularity is past peak. Ask Madonna how that works. 

Media coverage largely ignored how small her crowd was. 

Politico said, “AOC, Sanders and other progressives rally for Bowman. Will it be enough?”

Yes, if only 1,200 people vote in today’s primary. 36,777 voted in the primary two years ago.

The Squad is under fire from both the anti-Semitic wing of communism and its Jewish wing. Neither side wants her because she either hates Israel or doesn’t hate Israel enough.

Anti-Semitism vs. courting Jews has been a problem for communists for the past century. It always ends with the commies killing off the Jews.

American Jews finally have noticed this. AIPAC is spending a lot of money to oust members if the Squad. In my newsletter last November, I wrote:

The New Republic reported, “The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is expected to spend at least $100 million in the Democratic primaries in an effort to knock out the seven Squad members, reported Slate. They include Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, and Summer Lee — all black and brown members of Congress who have been vocal critics of Israel’s war on Gaza.”

OpenSecrets reported AIPAC spent $8.5 million on primaries last year. Upping the ante more than tenfold means a field day for all those strategists you see on cable TV.

Whether this works is a question Democrat voters will answer in the primaries because Republicans have no chance of winning in these districts. The Squad is riding the revival of Nazism on college campuses. There is no room for H8 except when it comes to Jews, Asian-Americans and rednecks.

The spending is a backlash against Democrat elitists accepting Palestinian soldiers in civilian garb raping, torturing, murdering and mutilating 1,200 Israelis. 

Politico’s story on Monday said, “A win for Bowman would mean he withstood an unprecedented outside spend by the pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee, whose super PAC has shelled out $14 million to make an example out of him for his vocal criticism of the Israeli offensive on Gaza. Already, the race has been labeled the ‘most expensive House primary ever’ by the ad tracking service AdImpact, with the vast majority of the spending going against the incumbent to boost his challenger, Westchester County Executive George Latimer.”

A loss by AOC would be a bigger surprise.

While her rallies may not draw large crowds, she sure knows how to milk headlines. 

Newsweek reported, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Jumps on Stage to Cardi B at Rally in Viral Video.”

The New York Post cried, “Watch ‘Squad’ Reps. AOC, Bowman’s cringeworthy antics at R-rated NYC rally to boost embattled Dem.”

AOC is the Angel Reese of politics — Reese being the player bent on building her WNBA fan base by being Caitlin Clark’s nemesis. 

Back to politics, which is what people do who cannot make the basketball team.

The New York Times, which ignored AOC until she primaried the No. 5 Democrat in the House in 2018, worries for Bowman.

NYT reported“Bowman, in Fight for His Political Life, Embraces the Left’s Star Power.”

He cracked jokes on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, spit verses with the rapper Cash Cobain and spent the weekend rallying with two of the left’s biggest names: Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Overpowered on the airwaves and behind in the polls, Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York is leaning heavily on national star power in a last-minute bid to alter the trajectory of one of the nation’s most hotly contested Democrat primaries.

The megawatt events drove home the sharp political contrasts between the congressman and his opponent, George Latimer. But they also demonstrated how the candidates are betting on two very different paths to victory, in a district split between wealthy suburbs and working-class neighborhoods, and among white, Black and Latino voters.

“This is a turnout race, y’all,” Mr. Bowman boomed at an event with Mr. Sanders on Friday in Hastings-on-Hudson, just north of his hometown, Yonkers. “This is not about persuasion. We got our people. They got their people.”

I have no idea who Cash Cobain is and no need to know.

As for star power, well, let’s just say AOC is not Swift — in more ways than one. Neither is Bowman.

The Bronx Times reported:

Addressing the crowd of hundreds, Bowman, who had called the Oct. 7 rapes “propaganda” but apologized for the comment last week, said Latimer was only in the race with the backing of AIPAC because Bowman had called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, a position he doubled-down on at the rally.

“We are not going to stand silent while U.S. tax dollars kill babies and women and children,” said Bowman, accusing his opponent and AIPAC of destroying the democracy. “It is on all of us to save our democracy and save our collective humanity because this race, this race is about our collective humanity.”

The BT also said Mister Fire Alarm is 17 points behind in the polls.

As for AOC, she now draws crowds that are Biden-sized. I leave the speculation on the reasons to others but the word that best describes her is overrated.


Why aren’t lefties protesting US support of Ukraine? 

Soros is cool with Ukraine


Not as many Jews in Ukraine


Post-communism, they hate Russia
