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Walz closing in

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Walz closing in

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Wed, Aug 7, 7:08 AM (4 days ago)

Walz closing in
Democrats picked a team that will let the country burn

How low is your self-esteem if you are overjoyed to replace Kamala? No one wants to work with her. She has more turnovers than a bakery — or a bad basketball team.

The National Desk reported, “Nearly 92% of the initial staff members hired after she took office in January of 2021 have left at some point during her nearly four years as vice president. Only four of the initial 47 hires from her first year have remained employed without interruption, according to an analysis of records obtained by Open the Books.”

In 2019, Terry McAteer warned America after his son interned for her. Daddy McAteer wrote:

Senator Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day.

As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”

Never once during the month-long internship did Harris introduce herself to our son (as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees) and staff was too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgment was a form letter of “thanks” signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service.

Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.

Nevertheless, Governor Tim Walz wanted the job as her flunky, Minnesota was on fire under his watch. Literally.


As JD Vance said, “They make an interesting tag team because Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, and the few that got caught, Kamala Harris helped bail them out of jail.”

Trump’s reaction was two words: Thank you.

Walz completes the downward spiral of Democrat vice presidential. Walter Mondale restored the party’s dignity after the Eagleton/Shriver debacle. Then came the token, Geraldine Ferraro. Then the oil millionaire climate change scammer Al “No Controlling Legal Authority” Gore.

Democrats went moderate with Joe Lieberman, followed by baby daddy John Edwards, the devoted husband who stood by his cancer-stricken wife along with a Kamala of his own.

Then came the crash: Crazy Tim Kaine, Kamala and now Walz who honeymooned in Red China (take that, Bernie Sanders).

As governor, Walz changed Minnesota’s state flag to linen from Bed, Bath and Beyond.

He gave driver’s licenses to illegals and came close to making transgendering children mandatory. It was all part of the Democrat plan to make the state the California of the Midwest. The New York Times reported super progressives circulated a memo called The Case for Tim Walz for Vice President.

Not one policy idea was listed. Instead, it was all about his bio. His bio is suspect. Charlie Kirk tweeted:

Has Tim Walz lied about his military record, too? 👀

Walz has long claimed he signed up for “four more years” after 9/11, then naturally retired in 2005 one year before his unit deployed to Iraq.

This is a lie. Walz signed up for SIX more years, but then quit early when he learned his unit would go to Iraq. Walz suggests he had always planned to retire when he did, but this is untrue: In 2003, he had signed up for the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, a two-year course that requires two years of additional service upon completion. When Walz quit the military, he also quit the academy without finishing.

The record is clear: Walz left because he didn’t want to deploy with his unit.

A friend of mine who served in Iraq, and actually knew Walz’s unit well, described it this way: “He abandoned his friends and colleagues because he didn’t want to do a real deployment. [He’s] an absolute piece of sh*t.”

In Democrat politics, identity matters, ideas don’t. That’s because the party puts figureheads on the presidential ballot with the intention of having empire-building appointees and the Civil Service-protected class run the country.

The model is the Pentagon where all those four-stars intimidate presidents and actually run things. Well, most presidents. When Mark Miley told Trump they should just leave equipment and vamoose from Afghanistan, Trump said no.

He later said, “You know what I realized? He went to Biden and said the same thing. It is cheaper to leave the equipment than take it out.”

And the stupidity continues under Biden.

The National Desk reported, “Taliban may have gotten millions in U.S. aid due to faulty vetting, inspector general says.”

The money apparently was to pay the Taliban not to grow heroin.

The story said that the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs “only gave the watchdog vetting documents for three of 22 funding initiatives, with the rest of the materials missing due to employee turnover and the close of one of its offices, according to the report.”

The Constitution may say Congress has the power of the purse but the reality the bureaucracy does. Tony Fauci used federal money to fund internationally banned biomedical research in Red China, which just happened to lead to the covid-19 panic (less than 1% of the infected died) that wreaked havoc on the world and increased the power of the federal government enormously.

No one is held accountable. The press, which talks a good game about its importance, is impotent having neutered itself by not holding Obama responsible for the FBI’s unconstitutional spying on his top political opponent.

Instead, the press promoted the untrue Russiagate hoax, while ignoring Hunter’s laptop and the cocaine found in Biden’s White House. The media shunned the assassination because it was an attempt. There has been more reported about Squeaky Fromme in the last week than the man who shot President Trump.

Kamala picked Walz over Pennsylvania’s governor. It was Walz’s record, right?

Salena Zito tweeted, “2 things are true. 1st picking Governor Shapiro would’ve been about expanding the coalition picking Walz is about a base election. Walz is a deep blue progressive, often called a prairie progressive.

“2nd this was Pelosi’s pick & she has been at the controls all along.”

Of course she is. Money counts. Pelosi has a pile of it that she used to buy votes for the speakership. She also has access to high tech donors, who have replaced Rice-a-Roni as the San Francisco treat.

Michael Rapaport, who apparently saw the light and now supports Trump, pointed out that in an effort to get the VP slot, Shapiro prostrated himself before the pagan god of the Palestinians.

Rapaport tweeted, “Yo Josh Shapiro UNJEWED himself publicly & still didn’t get picked. When UnJewing goes Wrong.”

It’s biblical. No matter how much a person denounces Israel and embraces another religion, they are still going on that cattle car when the anti-Semites take over again.

Jews are fighting back. Last night, they primaried their second Hamas squad member as Cori Bush will join Jamaal Bowman as the the Liz Cheneys of 2024.

The New York Times is demanding presidential debates:

Ms. Harris’s candidacy does not require legitimation. She is the clear choice of her party. An Ipsos poll this week found that 89% of Democrats supported her running as the party’s nominee. But addressing small crowds in small places and answering questions from local reporters are rituals during the primaries for a reason. Unlike large public rallies, they are occasions for encounters on equal footing, and they are an education for the candidate as much as for voters.

With debates and town halls, Ms. Harris would also have an opportunity to draw an even starker contrast with Mr. Trump. Presidential campaigns increasingly are conducted as performances before a sympathetic audience, one that is invited to watch and listen but not to question or respond. The false intimacy of social media gives the impression that candidates are more present than ever in the lives of their supporters, but those relationships are one-way streets. Candidates are seen by the electorate but they do not see; they are heard but they do not hear.

How quaint. Issues and ideas are relics from the last century.

This race is about race. That’s it. The Democrat ticket features is an Indian-America, a black woman, a white man and two communists. The white guy offers re-assurance to white males that they are not being edged out while ironically shoring up the vote of Somalis who plan to edge out the white guys.

Unspoken in all this is that Minnesota has gone Democrat in the last 12 presidential elections, making it more reliable blue than California, Hawaii, Massachusetts and New York. That Democrats have to shore up Minnesota with this nomination speaks volumes about President Trump’s appeal.