There’s No Denying It Anymore: The Media Lies to You
(AFP via Getty Images)
By Gene BerardelliFriday, 18 March 2022 09:26 AM
Once upon a time, corporate media put in some effort to try to convince us that it was fair and impartial purveyor of news and current events. These days, news has given way to narrative.
If you needed further proof, you need not look further than the New York Times, who buried the lede when it confirmed the legitimacy of the New York Post’s much-maligned stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop in the middle of its coverage of The Justice Department’s investigation into his business dealings.
For those who do not recall the story, The New York Post published a series of reports in October of 2020 about President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his overseas business dealings.
Hunter Biden conducted business overseas on behalf of “the big guy” in both Ukraine and China (two nations you may have read about in the news recently) in an attempt to cash in on his father’s power and influence.
The reports, which included allegations of meeting between the elder Biden and members of the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, as well as messages and emails showing Hunter trading on the Biden name were potentially damning. It was big.
Or, it should have been big.
The stories would have surely damaged then-candidate Biden’s chances of winning the presidency had corporate media and big tech not widely maligned the story. Putting the words “Hunter Biden” and “laptop” on social media was expressly verboten in 2020.
Twitter suspended the New York Post’s account. Facebook reduced distribution of the story and subjected it to those infamous third-party fact checks.
CNN reported on a letter signed by national security experts stating that the story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” which was enough for it and the rest of corporate media to plaster “Russian disinformation” conclusively in its headline.
That’s all Jen Psaki and the Biden campaign needed to effectively deflect an otherwise crippling story.
And now, we find out that it was all lies. See what they did there? One strains credulity with their “alternative facts” and the chorus swears by it. This is how “fake news” spreads.
Such was the desperation of the media to bring Trump down. The election hung in the battle, so facts be damned, especially those facts that could hurt Joe Biden.
The New York Times’ confirmation of the Hunter Biden story is proof positive that corporate media knew that in order to beat Trump, they had to dupe you, the voter.
Not a mistake, or an unwitting lie, but a knowing falsehood. A falsehood that the intelligence community and the current administration equally embraced.
But hey, I’m sure they’re all sorry now, as we are 16 months removed from the election. They can all afford to be sorry now because they got their job done.
No harm, no foul; except, of course, for the fact that this feckless president which a lying media propped up at the helm as the same country his son sought to profit from is ground zero for what may become the setting of World War III.
Sorry cannot be good enough. Not anymore. We, the duped, cannot allow this latest instance of media malfeasance to go unnoticed. We must remember those like Psaki and CNN and everyone else who embraced narrative over news, and hold them to account.
We can no longer tolerate hatchet jobs based on nameless and faceless “people familiar with” whatever the issue may be.
The time for half-measures is over. The benefit of the doubt is gone. Either corporate media returns to its reporting roots, or it’s time we get our news from those committed to reporting the news, not becoming the news.