Friday, June 03, 2022
Why they fear Steve Bannon
The New York Times and other such web sites posted the-walls-are-closing-in-on-Steve Bannon stories this morning.Raw Story (cut to the chase and go with an openly looney left outlet) said, “Prosecutors in New York are moving closer to slapping Trump ally Steve Bannon with criminal charges and have subpoenaed several members of his inner circle to testify before a grand jury, reports CNN.”
President Trump pardoned Bannon but New York prosecutors believe they can enforce state law on a man who never lived there over a “scheme” along the Mexican border.
The persecution of a pardoned man reflects the worry Democrats have about the midterm elections because Bannon may have found the cure for Democrat cheating.
Vanity Fair reported, “Recordings obtained by Politico suggest the GOP is embracing the ‘precinct strategy’ promoted by the former Trump adviser and right-wing podcast host, a plan that could lead to chaos at the polls in November.
Indeed, he said, “What’s serious about a precinct-based, grassroots organization is that it requires a precinct captain and six block or neighborhood captains. Doing what? Making personal contact on an on-going basis with every single voting household.”
And by he, I mean Mike Dukakis, who said that in 2020. Do not mock the man. He may have carried only 10 states in his 1988 presidential campaign but he worked his way up from Brookline Town Hall to the state legislature to the Governor’s Mansion to a longshot at the White House.
He said, “It’s important, lasting, and makes a huge difference, especially in a world where we’re so unconnected to people in many ways.”
His was a rebuke of Hillary and other failures. She was a shoo-in in 2016, remember?
He said candidates and political consultants believe they only have to devote time, energy and money in a few key states.
Dukakis said, “Once you buy into this [narrative], you essentially say to half the country, ‘we’re not going to spend any time on you.’ In fact, you end up, as we’ve seen repeatedly now, campaigning in the same six or seven states in the last few months of the campaign while the rest of the country is spectating.
That’s how Al Gore lost West Virginia in 2000 and hence the election because West Virginia would have given him the 5 electors he needed to defeat Bush 43.
Democrats may not have heard Dukakis, but Bannon did. According to Vanity Fair, Republicans listened to Bannon.
Vanity Fair used breathless prose to turn the familiar said, “Embracing the ‘precinct strategy’ promoted by Steve Bannon, the GOP is reportedly preparing to sow chaos in the 2022 election by creating an ‘army’ of poll workers and Republican lawyers to challenge voters in Democratic precincts. According to recordings obtained by Politico, the Republican National Committee has been recruiting and training poll watchers to contest votes and building a network of party-friendly attorneys to help them. The operation has been cast by Republican officials as an effort to even out party imbalances among poll workers in urban centers like Detroit. But its true aims seem clear: to gum up the democratic process in Democratic areas and lay the foundation for results to be challenged in swing states like Michigan that were key to Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.”
The works deserve to be gummed up because the works were fixed in Michigan and other states where Democrats did the counting and made sure Biden won.
They fear Bannon?
Good. Posted by Don Surber at 6/03/2022 03:00:00 PM